The Life of Sarah PB&J

Musings on my life post grad school and peanut butter... (NB: the archives also contain musings on Russia, law school, and still more peanut butter)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

First Impressions

I guess this is called jet lag. It's 2:40 am and I've slept all I want to. I kept the lights off for 40 minutes as I tried to fall back asleep, but had no luck. I decided I'll write my post to the blog and just type it in in the morning (NOTE: now).


I arrived without any major hitches. Although I learned upon arrival in Moscow that Moscow has 2 airports. My international flight arrived in one and my domestic flight departed in another. One hour to get through customs (somehow I got in the slowest line), get my chemodahn, learn that there are 2 airports, talk to the information woman, take a taxi to the other airport (at $20), check-in, get a boarding pass and find the gate. I have no idea how I made it. I think God must have stopped time.


The driver picked me up at the St. Pete airport (there are 2 airports in St. Pete too!) and dropped me off at my homestay. Only he didn't tell me this. A woman came down tot eh street and introduced herself, but I didn't know who she was. Only after she took me inside an apartment did I realize this was my host family and not the dorm (where the other students are staying), or the school. Hopefully I'll upload three photos of the (tiny) apartment soon, but in the interim, try looking at my Flickr site. (Click on view SarahPBanJ's photos... Let me know if this works!


I'm one of only two homestays in the program - which is kind of strange as everyone else lives together. But I live much closer to the center of the city than the dorm - which is in the boondocks - and I'm also speaking a lot more Russian. My host mom, Lena and her family have hosted students from all over the world each semester for five years. And they've gotten pretty good at it. Last night I got home, sat down, and recoundted the day. Talked about some of the other students and my family (though maily about our cat, Arizona as my Russian family has three klotchky'i Dima, Lisa, and another I keep forgetting.


Inevitably there's culture shock:

1. Bathing: I'm going to really want to take a "real" shower after being here for 10 weeks. My family has a bathtub and a hose. Just not the same. I'll get used to that - though it'll be tough.

2. Russians don't smile. Unless they're in the home. period.

3. The sidewalks are far from even. When it rains (as it's done twice here already), you much step in puddles. There's no way around it. My feet get wet and cold. Yuck.

4. Beilie Noche (White Nights) - It doesn't get dark here until ~12pm. And by "doesn't get dark here" I mean the sun's still out. It's 3 am now and I an see way too much outside. And it'll only get "worse." In the end of June, St. Pete will have a "white nights" festival where they'll celebrate this phenomenen when the days are at their longest. Crazy people. I like my nights to be night. I'm buying a blindfold tomorrow. (NOTE: Didn't happen yet. I'm having trouble finding one...)


Here's a quick rundown of key people: Lena - mom; Sergei - dad; Lina - daughter and her live in boyfriend Xenia (she's pregnant). There's another sister I haven't met. Americans : Paula (Pamona grad now in med school), Sean (sophomore at UPenn), Tracy (sophomore at UVA), Melissa (other homestay kid at GW) and Matt (also at GW - knows Melissa well). The Candian running family (Gina (28) - a teacher and her paretns) - 'nuff said.


Took a placement class yesterday. There are 4 levels - I'll be in one of the middle two for sure, don't know which one 'til tomorrow. But a lot of vocab is coming back to me. Which is good. Now if only I could remember the grammar. (NOTE: I was placed in the lower of the two middle levels. Class today seemed about right. We'll be moving quickly which is good since it's all review.)


to be continued....

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I *heart* NY

So I'm up in NYC with AH at the moment. Have about 2 hours before I head to the airport. It's her last weekend in NYC, so we're trying to pack in as much as possible.

There was a broadway show - Avenue Q - especially funny for those directly out of college, and even for an older crowd. Though I'm not sure (nevermind --- I know) I would not go with my parents. But it was a fabulous parody on life. I think they made fun of just about every ethnic group and every stereotype possible. Taken with a grain of salt, it made for a fabulous evening.

Then it was off to meet on of AH's friends in a bar/lounge place in the penthouse of a hotel. Did the whole wait in line, agreeing to abide by the bouncer's judgment. We we cool enough? Well - we were 4 women, dressed to the nine, with no accompanying men. We passed right through. Ah sexism. But I wasn't complaining. At least last night. Until I got to the bar - where my gin and tonic (I blame my mother for my love of gin... really.) was a whopping $15. Yes. For one drink. I should have worked to get some guy to buy it for me. :) If I had only known. But it was sweet - and we had a good time. Better yet - we were only 2 blocks from AH's apartment. So the trip home was easy :)

This morning was all about the bike ride through Central Park. I have to say, I'm still quite jealous of the runners. I'm dying to run. But still on the bike. For now. We rented bikes from this really sketchy place on Columbus Circle. As I told AH 4 times during the ride, "I think it's been awhile since these bikes had a check-up." My seat kept falling down - and I honestly don't believe that it's because I was too heavy. The bike wouldn't shift to first gear and I ended up with grease all over my hands and my legs (though you'd think that the abundance of grease would have helped with the shifting of gears --- not so much.). But it was glorious. The sun was out. There was good conversation to be had. And I even broke a sweat.

And the fourth (or is it fifth?) highlight of the trip so far: Magnolia Bakery. Last time I was in NYC, AH and I walked by this place famous for its cupcakes, but I was full from dinner - and was being an elitist, "cupcakes?" Really, they can be good (there were too many Win-Dixie cupcakes in my past...). But ever since that day, back in Feb., I have regretted not eating a cupcake. So - we were walking by - and I bought and ate one. All by myself (It was still like 12noon - and that much concentrated sugar wasn't in the cards for AH or R (who was with us too). But oh it was yummy. Now I'm not hungry for lunch. Oh well :)

And finally. We passed by a children's toy and clothing store on Jane St. : Peanut Butter and Jane. I took a picture. And will upload it when I get the chance.


I'm getting REALLY excited about Russia. I've been calling family to say the goodbyes, frantically sending a few last e-mails. And smiling. A lot. But that's the way it's supposed to be.


to be continued (in Russia)....

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Peanut butter.... and jelly!

So I've been thinking about peanut butter as I often do. And I had been thinking that I was going to take a jar with me to Russia. But last night, I started to think that that wouldn't be such a hot idea. I'm headed to Russia to 'experience Russia' (God that sounds corny) but seriously --- I'm thinking of leaving it at home.... I've pack peanuts (VA peanuts -yum) for my two host families. And, from what I've heard, it's fairly likely that they will not like the taste and I'll be able to snack on them. Plus, we're almost out of peanuts here - and I'd have to go to the store. Too much to do today already. oh well.

(And yes, this is a thought I really had, and yes, I just took the time to write a paragraph about it in the blog. I've gotta be warped.)


And let us say: Wow.

to be continued....

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Happy Endings

I'm discovering what it means to write for a diverse audience...


Happy hour tonight - at Cafe Citron. I'd be meaning to go there since moving to DC. A nice crowd turned out - which was great to get to see everyone before taking off.


to be continued...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Where the Sidewalk Ends

Last day at work. And I'm not doing any work. Sweet. I've spent the past few days organizing my files - trying to get everything to a position where the new paralegals who take over my cases will have some idea of where to find documents and what the cases are about. Don't know how successful I was. G posted to the ladies' night forum about how graduation was a full year ago - I thought that this year in DC would drag on and on. How wrong I was. There was the move to DC, the 4th of July and all it's trappings, the learning curve at Winston slowing, the fall and the burglary, the breaking of the lease and the ensuing landlord tenant dispute (which, as budding lawyers, E and I won), I moving in with us, London, my class, and now Russia. Whew!

I told on of the admin services people that I see off an on today that I was leaving Winston. His response was, "oh that's good - you're moving on... You've been here for awhile right?" Nope - only 9 months. But I understand now how people stay in not-so-hot jobs for a long time. Cause it really doesn't feel that long at all.


Slowly it's dawning on me that I'll be in Russia in 4 days. oh yeah.


Here's a pic from my trip to paddle the Tidal Basin with M. (I'm in the foreground wearing an orange lifejacket. In the background is the basin and the Washington Monument -- beautiful blue sky too) Good times. (You can see that I'm already getting good use out of my digital camera....)


Going to pick up my ISIC card during lunch today. Lucked out there. Moscow participants got their homestay info today... Still waiting for mine. Will be sending out an e-mail with my info shortly.


If you're in DC and don't know the location for tomorrow's "going away happy hour" - e-mail me.


to be continued...

Friday, May 19, 2006

Universal Coverage?

I got the bill today for my bone scan. $729.50 I'm really luck to have insurance. Can't really complain about the $25 co-pay. Whatever company decided to insure me made a big mistake. at least I'm getting my monies worth :)


I'm packing. The pictures are off my wall. The books are off the shelf. Trying to fit everything into the coat closet so that A (my subletter) doesn't have to live with my stuff everywhere (though I still have a full bed, a dresser, and a desk in the room... oops.)


trying to see every one before I leave is getting hard. And I'm feeling crazed. Tomorrow's to-do (I thrive on lists):

1. pick up my new digital camera
2. Micah Cooks
3. the Greek Festival
4. make a white-chocolate cheesecake (gift for friend...)
5. Nats game (woot)!
6. Meet A for dinner
7. Figure out how many of these boxes I need
8. go on a non-run

So there's really no "work" on my list. Just feeling busy. But I planned it this way. Trying to get as much in as possible.


to be continued...

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Manager: A poem

At about 3:30 this afternoon, I needed a bagel. A small lunch combined with the knowledge that I'll be schlepping boxes across the city (which will postpone dinner) convinced me that I could treat myself to an afternoon snack. So I go to this not-quite-diner around the corner from work. Get the bagel and walk out. No big deal.

But, as I was coming through the door on my way out, I overheard a conversation between the manager of the not-quite-diner and an employee. "I'm not happy with your performance recently. You don't arrive on-time. You're not polite to customers..." A general scolding. Generally, this isn't something you want to do, ANYWHERE near where customers (or employees) may be. My bagel was yummy, but every time I go to the not-quite-diner, I'll remember this conversation. Not good PR.


I did go inquire about Russian Rubles today. See, I'm making progress. But they only had ~27 USD worth and it'd cost me 6 USD to make the exchange (at I'm sure a not quite so great exchange rate.) I'll probably just wait until I get to Moscow or St. Pete. (Though this could be a problem if I get hungry during my layover :))


to be continued....

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Joy of Cooking (or Eating....)

I have nothing to write today except that the Italian bakery that D introduced me to today was spectacular. (And I spent some time in the gym tonight to make up for it :))



to be continued...

Monday, May 15, 2006

The West Wing

Since the closing credits of last night's series finale, I have been neurotically checking the NY Times for a story about the end of the West Wing. They've published stories about the show before, and I figured they would here too... But it doesn't look like the finale's going to make headlines. If they're not going to give me any new shows, they can at least give me a new article. Can't they?


Looking forward to Sorkin's Studio 60 in the fall. Don't know if it can be as good, but you gotta trust Sorkin.


to be continued...

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother Goose

So my mother's day dinner failed. Mom ran into S and J, and wanted to do dinner as the four of us. Which was cool (and also got me out of paying...) It was an early dinner, and the bread store next to the Carlyle was still open, so I bought two loaves of bread. Really yummy herb-Muenster bread (goes well with the cauliflower soup I made yesterday :)). So in sum this year for mother's day I remembered/honored by

1. going home
2. getting my hair cut (a little odd -- but if you're on the Allison side of the family, you'll get it.)
3. planning to take mom out to dinner (the thought counts, right?)
4. eating dinner with mom
5. buying her a loaf of bread
6. calling her this morning.

I think that's more thought I've put into holidays well since - ever. Does it get me off the hook for the next five holidays? I'm really worried I'm going to forget mom's birthday again this year (that'd make 3 years in a row). I think I'm going to tell EVERY ONE I meet in Russia --- remind me to call mom on her birthday. remind me to call mom on her birthday. I'm a bad daughter. But I remembered mothers' day. Six times over.

Yeah for mom(s).


Speaking of moms. Here's a quick, and hilarious story from the Darfur Rally two weekends ago (At dinner Friday night - I learned that S was there too... crowd was too big - we didn't run into each other.). There was a missing child announcement made by the MC, "Sally Johnson has lost her mother. She's safe now hanging out with George Clooney in the speakers' tent. If you're Sally's mom - come pick her up there. And Sally's only got one mom - so there shouldn't be 200 women all waiting to pick her up and met Clooney!" [laughs] The next speaker approached the podium, "You don't know [name of MC], Sally may have more than one mother!" [Great cheering and applause] Good times.


ran some "errands" yesterday. Went to the DAR trying to get info about membership. My dad's family has tons of Patriots I believe, and it'd be cool to get that established. I've gotten a fairly good impression of the DAR while in DC, and hear that C'ville's chapter's pretty sweet. Aunt MB might join with me too. I'll probably end up doing most of the leg work when I get back from Russia. Wanted to go out on the tidal basin in a paddle boat - but it was slightly overcast. WILL DO THIS BEFORE I LEAVE DC. took my bike to get a spring tune up. It got a great health report. cleaned out the fridge. (although it didn't leave me enough time to clean my room... which really needed it. oh well. did it this morning.) sat on the roof and read. Going to do that again today.


And speaking of traveling! D got his Fulbright - he's going to Chile next year - and A's going to New Zealand on the Fulbright as well. I've promised both of them I'd visit. (Though I'll admit, I'm motivated by selfishness rather than altruism.) I just wish each plane ticket didn't top $1000. It'd be much cheaper, say if they were studying in Sweden and Mexico. The hardest part will be 1. financing the trip (yeah law school debt) and 2. finding the time to go. They will both be there from Dec - Sept give or take. It'd probably be too early to go over winter break 'cause they'll still be settling in - spring break UVA uses for journal tryouts - so that's out. And the summer, I'm going to want to get a job/internship and try to make some money. But maybe A week or two on either end wouldn't be the end of the world :) (Esp, 'cause it'd let me go to the end of the world.

My mom seems to be planning the next meal while she's eating the first. I seem to plan the next trip before I've even left for the upcoming one... There could be worse things.


to be continued...

Friday, May 12, 2006

Cracking the GRE

I'm happy to report that our apartment now has bread :)

GRE practice question:

hotdogs:mustard :: bread: ?

A. cheese
C. peanut butter
D. butter

Answer: C. EXPLANATION The proper "bridge" in this question is ______ are God's way of getting ________ into the body. Hotdogs are God's way of getting mustard into the body. A, B, and D clearly do not fit the pattern. C is perfect. Bread is God's way of getting peanut butter into the body.

For the past few days I've been managing to satisfy my peanut butter needs by getting a bagel w/ PB at work for breakfast or lunch. But now I've got access to the sweet nectar at home too :) My world is complete.


Leaving work early today to meet mom for an early Mother's Day dinner. Somehow I convinced her to stay in DC for dinner. Funny how these things work.


to be continued...

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Singin' in the Rain

I rode my bike to work today thinking that it was going to be beautiful outside, just as yesterday - but as soon as I pulled out of the garage, I saw the rain. oh well. I should read the weather reports more often. I got to work on time - but a tad wet. Worth the ride though.


Paid for Russia yesterday. Still need to get the ISIC card/rubles. Where's my follow through?


Retook Myers-Briggs for kicks.... When I took the index in HS, I came out as an ESTJ - though now I'm an INTJ. Somehow that doesn't surprise me very much. I was always on the borderline. I wonder if how frequently people "switch" and how late in life it is possible to switch.


Just voted for Olsson's for best bookstore, the Shakespeare Theater for the best place to see theater, Zatyinya for best Vegetarian, Breadline for best Bakery, and Chinatown Express for best Cheap Eats. You should too.


to be continued...

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Life Takes [a] Visa

My passport and Russian visa arrived yesterday. I got home, took off my shoes and made dinner before I noticed the white FedEx envelope that had been "hiding" on the floor. (Our apartment building delivers packages inside the apartment - often on the floor behind the door) My passport! Erin's like, "yeah, I thought that's probably what it was..." I had been home an hour and hadn't noticed it. It looks correct and in order.

But I still haven't gotten my ISIC card yet. or Russian currency. oops. I'm running out of time.


There's a 10K in DC this summer called "Lawyers Have Heart" - a fundraiser for the AHA. Too bad I'll be in Russia (and have a few stress fractures :)). Though another Arizona participant was asking about the White Nights marathon/10K in St. Petersburg at the end of June. We're both wishing there was a half marathon - but will probably do the 10K just for kicks. If I'm healed of course.


Looking forward to a bike ride after work.


I also have some beets at home I need to eat. Any preparation suggestions? Been eating them with cottage cheese and olive oil recently, but getting tired of that.


to be continued...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Frog and Toad are Friends

So my computer doesn't seem to like today. We'll see if this works.


I failed quite miserably in keeping in contact with my high school friends. When I started college, I threw myself in to life at Swat - and didn't really want to be reminded of "where I came from." As corny as it sounds, I felt that I needed some time to figure out who I am - which after all is what college's all about. Being free from contact with former friends and family (probably much of the reason I didn't make too many trips home...), I thought would give me the freedom to figure things out. I still care about friends from home - and think about them often - I just resisted contact. When I'd visit G-town, I'd stay with my family and unless I ran into Mer at the wellness center or was contacted about a gathering at the Pub, did little to seek out people. But at this point, I want to develop relationships with friends from home again. I can't really pinpoint why all of a sudden this urge has developed, but it is. So I started by e-mailing some friends... There's a lot to catch up on - and hopefully we'll be able to keep in contact better of the next years. If there are any g-town lurkers, speak up :)


As some of you might know, I've been working on a pro-bono asylum case. A man is seeking asylum (actually withholding from removal) from Guatemala based on his political activities/opinions. I ended up writing 85% of the brief, doing most of the research, and being around for the client interviews etc. But, in the past week or so, I haven't been much help - busy on other cases, sick in bed. And another attorney was helping the attorney in charge instead of me. Which I appreciate immensely. But, today's the hearing, and I was told a few weeks ago to plan on coming. However, I got an e-mail saying that this other attorney was going to go instead, and that she didn't need me. This kind of stung slightly - though I understand her reasoning. Helper attorney has become familiar with the case, and has the authority to address the Court whereas I don't. And I haven't be able to help out recently. But I'm still invested in the case and wanted to be there. oh well. Hopefully she'll be kind enough to tell me the judge's decision...


to be continued....

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Persians

Last night I went to see Aeschylus' The Persians done by the Shakespeare Theater. Erin and I scored $75 season tickets this year - probably some of the best 75 bucks I've spent. Five plays - AMAZING quality (some of the best I ever seen) and the theater's 3 blocks from our apartment. I'm kind of sad that I'll miss the last play. (In weighing the pros and cons of going to Russia - missing the Shakespeare Theater was in the con column.) They did a new adaptation of it - and I have to say it was incredible. The setting was fabulous. Instead of a chorus (typical of Greek theater, where a group of actors speak/sing in unison), this version split them up into different characters - each advisors to Xerxes. It began with a multi-media type opening by the chorus in modern clothing- a briefing if you will which gave great background in 2 minutes. They then covered their clothes with councilor-esq robes as the curved multimedia screen lifted to reveal a stage partially covered in sand - red as blood.

Anyway - I'm not to give an entire review of the play. But to say go see it (and anything else the Shakespeare Theater does.) It's well worth it - and REALLY cheap if you're <26.

But there is one thing that bothers me - that's worth writing about. I tried to discuss this with Erin last night - though she didn't have the energy and I didn't have the arguments put together. The play is a tragedy. It shows the Persian's reaction to their stunning and complete defeat by Athens (the underdog) at the height of the Persian empire. The end, when King Xerxes returns to Persia, ought to be gut-wrenching. He's asking for the forgiveness of his land and of his people as, because of his ego (and the councilor's) - all of Persia is lost. But there was something missing. They got the physical desperation right. But the emotion behind it wasn't right. I ought to have felt more like a voyeur.

Quick deviation. When I see someone deep in prayer, I feel awkward, as if I am encroaching on a space that is not mine. I'm silent, dumfounded; lifted from myself. At those moments, it's as if I am along side of him with empathy. I'm having trouble articulating this feeling - but chances are you've had it before... It's this same emotion that I should have had when watching Xerxes at the conclusion of the Persians. And he almost had it. But then, everyone else on stage dropped to his or her knees to join Xerxes and starting petitioning and mourning the dead of Persia.

It was too much for me to believe. I intellectually understood that all of those responsible for the deaths were asking forgiveness and all of those left in Persia were mourning, and that's why the entire cast was on their knees. But it was too much - and I couldn't take it in. I couldn't be with each of the characters, so instead, I was with none of them. I was left feeling faked out. Like I was watching actors - which is quite rare with the Shakespeare Theater. It was well done - but it wasn't poignant and the emotions weren't quite real. But maybe it's just me.

But on a side note - the two percussionists were fabulous!


- men are unintelligable creatures. I'll leave it at that.


I sent a letter to Svetlana today (in Russian - yip!) I'm trying to get a hold of her. I'm going to be so close to Pinsk for the summer - it'd be great if we could meet up again. I sent the letter Global Express (go USPS) - cost me an arm and a leg - but I'd rather it not take 6 weeks for her to get the letter....


to be continued....

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I'm off to see the wizard

I'm down to my last 13 days of work (who's counting?) Every one knows I'm leaving at this point - and every one knows I'm going to UVA Law. And, every one is a lawyer. So they all give me their advice. Which is much appreciated. (Additionally, it lets me slack off for the half hour that they are advising me :))

It's also comforting that I keep hearing the same advice: grades matter, make it like a 9-5 job, and you'll be fine, write your own outlines, do what you need to do - don't get caught up in other people's stresses/competition etc, go to all your classes.

So here's an open call to those of you already in law school - any other pointers you want to share? Not that this is your final opportunity to advise me...


Making a trip during lunch today to pick up my ISIC card (going to try to get one off my U of Toronto ID) and some rubles. There have been all these e-mail threads on the ARA listserv about money and cell phones, international calls, laundry, schedules and classes, extra curricular, insurance. Other students are really thinking a lot about the trip, and trying to plan for anything/everything. I've taken a laissez-faire attitude towards the whole trip. Maybe because it won't be my first time abroad, or my first study abroad program. Maybe because I don't need the credit and am just going for the experience... Don't know. But part of me has begun to think, "It might be a good idea to acquire some rubles - what if my ATM card doesn't work in Russia...."

I also called the Russian Culture Institute to see if they were offering a Russian refresher course over the next month. It be nice if I remembered a bit more of the language before I hoped on a Russian carrier and landed myself in St. Petersburg. But I'm refusing to pay $70/session for private lessons. So I'll study on the plane :)


This is DC yoga week. Lots of studios are offering REALLY cheap or free yoga classes. I've managed to go to several of them (leaving my body really sore). Though there's this supposedly awesome (and free) class up in Dupont each day. But it's at 6:15. I've tried to get up every morning to go to it - but rolled back in bed instead. Oh well. There's only so much I can do.


to be continued....

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

In the beginning....

I created a running blog. It was going really well until someone decided that I ought to be given two stress fractures in my femurs. That blog returned to the void from which it came. But, in the process, I got used to writing daily in a semi-public forum. And so I figured, why not continue?

And so, I called blogspot, and it brought forth this site. And I saw that it was good.

And so here we are.

Contents to include (but not limited to): musings about my upcoming trip to Russia (25 days to lift-off), musings while in Russia, and my love of Peanut Butter (in all it's forms) Special requests will also be honored.

Contents will not include: politics (I've lived in DC for the past year - enough already), any references to people who honk when stuck in traffic (see above), and mentions of chocolate (except white chocolate, the food of the gods).

And now if I can only figure out how to edit my profile....