The Life of Sarah PB&J

Musings on my life post grad school and peanut butter... (NB: the archives also contain musings on Russia, law school, and still more peanut butter)

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Manager: A poem

At about 3:30 this afternoon, I needed a bagel. A small lunch combined with the knowledge that I'll be schlepping boxes across the city (which will postpone dinner) convinced me that I could treat myself to an afternoon snack. So I go to this not-quite-diner around the corner from work. Get the bagel and walk out. No big deal.

But, as I was coming through the door on my way out, I overheard a conversation between the manager of the not-quite-diner and an employee. "I'm not happy with your performance recently. You don't arrive on-time. You're not polite to customers..." A general scolding. Generally, this isn't something you want to do, ANYWHERE near where customers (or employees) may be. My bagel was yummy, but every time I go to the not-quite-diner, I'll remember this conversation. Not good PR.


I did go inquire about Russian Rubles today. See, I'm making progress. But they only had ~27 USD worth and it'd cost me 6 USD to make the exchange (at I'm sure a not quite so great exchange rate.) I'll probably just wait until I get to Moscow or St. Pete. (Though this could be a problem if I get hungry during my layover :))


to be continued....


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