The Life of Sarah PB&J

Musings on my life post grad school and peanut butter... (NB: the archives also contain musings on Russia, law school, and still more peanut butter)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Peanut butter.... and jelly!

So I've been thinking about peanut butter as I often do. And I had been thinking that I was going to take a jar with me to Russia. But last night, I started to think that that wouldn't be such a hot idea. I'm headed to Russia to 'experience Russia' (God that sounds corny) but seriously --- I'm thinking of leaving it at home.... I've pack peanuts (VA peanuts -yum) for my two host families. And, from what I've heard, it's fairly likely that they will not like the taste and I'll be able to snack on them. Plus, we're almost out of peanuts here - and I'd have to go to the store. Too much to do today already. oh well.

(And yes, this is a thought I really had, and yes, I just took the time to write a paragraph about it in the blog. I've gotta be warped.)


And let us say: Wow.

to be continued....


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