The Life of Sarah PB&J

Musings on my life post grad school and peanut butter... (NB: the archives also contain musings on Russia, law school, and still more peanut butter)

Saturday, May 27, 2006

I *heart* NY

So I'm up in NYC with AH at the moment. Have about 2 hours before I head to the airport. It's her last weekend in NYC, so we're trying to pack in as much as possible.

There was a broadway show - Avenue Q - especially funny for those directly out of college, and even for an older crowd. Though I'm not sure (nevermind --- I know) I would not go with my parents. But it was a fabulous parody on life. I think they made fun of just about every ethnic group and every stereotype possible. Taken with a grain of salt, it made for a fabulous evening.

Then it was off to meet on of AH's friends in a bar/lounge place in the penthouse of a hotel. Did the whole wait in line, agreeing to abide by the bouncer's judgment. We we cool enough? Well - we were 4 women, dressed to the nine, with no accompanying men. We passed right through. Ah sexism. But I wasn't complaining. At least last night. Until I got to the bar - where my gin and tonic (I blame my mother for my love of gin... really.) was a whopping $15. Yes. For one drink. I should have worked to get some guy to buy it for me. :) If I had only known. But it was sweet - and we had a good time. Better yet - we were only 2 blocks from AH's apartment. So the trip home was easy :)

This morning was all about the bike ride through Central Park. I have to say, I'm still quite jealous of the runners. I'm dying to run. But still on the bike. For now. We rented bikes from this really sketchy place on Columbus Circle. As I told AH 4 times during the ride, "I think it's been awhile since these bikes had a check-up." My seat kept falling down - and I honestly don't believe that it's because I was too heavy. The bike wouldn't shift to first gear and I ended up with grease all over my hands and my legs (though you'd think that the abundance of grease would have helped with the shifting of gears --- not so much.). But it was glorious. The sun was out. There was good conversation to be had. And I even broke a sweat.

And the fourth (or is it fifth?) highlight of the trip so far: Magnolia Bakery. Last time I was in NYC, AH and I walked by this place famous for its cupcakes, but I was full from dinner - and was being an elitist, "cupcakes?" Really, they can be good (there were too many Win-Dixie cupcakes in my past...). But ever since that day, back in Feb., I have regretted not eating a cupcake. So - we were walking by - and I bought and ate one. All by myself (It was still like 12noon - and that much concentrated sugar wasn't in the cards for AH or R (who was with us too). But oh it was yummy. Now I'm not hungry for lunch. Oh well :)

And finally. We passed by a children's toy and clothing store on Jane St. : Peanut Butter and Jane. I took a picture. And will upload it when I get the chance.


I'm getting REALLY excited about Russia. I've been calling family to say the goodbyes, frantically sending a few last e-mails. And smiling. A lot. But that's the way it's supposed to be.


to be continued (in Russia)....


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