The Life of Sarah PB&J

Musings on my life post grad school and peanut butter... (NB: the archives also contain musings on Russia, law school, and still more peanut butter)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Quaker Matchbox?

Swarthmore's Alumni Council elections are now open. I logged on to the website to vote, but then got distracted by minutes of past Alumni Council meetings. I stumbeled across this paragraph from last Fall's meeting:

"Proposal for a Swarthmore Internet Dating Service
Bill Belanger ’66 and Nate Stazewski of the Alumni Office gave detailed presentations on this proposal. Bill showed how one area of the College’s Web site could be adapted for this purpose, while Nate explained the difficulties of using the Swarthmore Web site, both in its present state and in its next format. Discussion ensued, and the sense of the group was that the College Web site should be used to foster all types of contacts/relationships among alumni, not simply romantic ones. Nate’s presentation of “” made that service seem highly promising as a vehicle for a Swarthmore-based dating service and worth exploring in greater detail at our next meeting, along with other issues raised by this proposal."

People are quite attached to this Quaker Matchbox thing. If four years wasn't enough time to find a spouse, go to and find a partner there.

(The Spring '06 minutes report that the AC decided not to adovocate a Swarthmore Dating Serivce...)

on that note, I've got this ceramic Christmas-tree-ornament-like doll hanging from my closet door. Across the skirt (pink, of course), it reads, "I think therefore I'm single." Do I need to take that down now that I'm dating someone? Does the Alumni Council care that he's not a Swattie?


to be continued...


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