The Life of Sarah PB&J

Musings on my life post grad school and peanut butter... (NB: the archives also contain musings on Russia, law school, and still more peanut butter)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Trivial Frustrations

Today a group of semi-Russian speakers gathered in the courtyard (with no coats on!) for a 45 minute damn-our-russian-is-getting-rusty conversation group. I tried to say simple things like, "What is your favorite class?" but it came out like "blobedy gook?" Cases all mixed up, the vocabulary of a five month old (do five month olds talk?). It was depressing. What happened to my "beautiful" Russian I had only six months ago? When I could communicate with relative ease?

I've also concluded that my brain only has room for two languages at a time. When I went to Russia, I entirely forgot my French. (I tried to translate between French and Russian for a Quebecois women in Moscow - I could put the French into Russian, but couldn't make a sentence in French to save my life...). Now that I'm back, my French has picked up. I could speak all day long. But my Russian. That's another story. Do I ever have the pleasure of being (semi-)trilingual?


my landlord's asking if I want to renew my lease again for next year. It's February! The lease doesn't end until July. What's up with that? I'd protest, except then she'd kick me out. Still haven't heard from back from her about permission to adopt a dog... Recently, I've been taking way to many study breaks to look at the dogs on the local SPCA website.

And my rent's going up $20. Boo.


to be continued....


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