The Life of Sarah PB&J

Musings on my life post grad school and peanut butter... (NB: the archives also contain musings on Russia, law school, and still more peanut butter)

Friday, September 21, 2007

It's a Small World

Interviewer: So I see you went to Swarthmore. A great place.
Sarah PB&J: Yep. It was a fantastic place to spend four years.
Interviewer: I have a family friend who went to Swarthmore. Come to think about it, he's probably about your age. He's now at [top law school].
Sarah PB&J: What's his name?
Interviewer: Smith. John Smith.*
Sarah PB&J: Fancy that. I know him.... We dated.
Interviewer: Wait. We've met before. You came with John to my son's wedding.

***awkward silence***

*name changed to protect the innocent.

to be continued....


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